Anyway, several weeks ago I came across this post at Bakerella, and knew that this was the perfect gift for us to do this year. I remember my mother getting "Cowboy Cookies" as a gift from one of her students back when I was still in high school or middle school, and I had pretty much forgotten about them - until now!
The post provides excellent, easy-to-follow instructions & the variation possibilities are endless. You could use regular or holiday M&M's. You could separate out the colors to offer a variety of selection or color combinations. I chose to stick with the pink for a number of reasons. 1) I love pink, in case you didn't know that already. 2) We had 2 bags of pink M&M's left over from Abi's ladybug party in October. 3) I was able to score another couple of bags for a seriously good deal last month at CVS (with a coupon & ECB's)...need I say more!
I'm glad now that I started on these early because they do require a bit of finesse when it comes to packing the ingredients into these jars. My first attempt did not permit room for the sugar which is kind of an important ingredient. SO I decided we should bake that batch & see how they tasted! As you can see, even the dough is pretty!
And the finished product - or what's left of it!
I now have 10 jars with flour packed in, and well - that's as far as I made it last night. Below is a photo of the finished product from the original post. I can't wait to finish these & get them to the teachers...I think they will love them as much as we do! Enjoy!

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